25/28 July 2024
3 days - 3 nights

Kalba - Language

Car Stereo Competition

For the first time during the existence of American Spirit, we are going to elect “the best” audio system. On 8 August, Friday evening, we are going to find out who has the most powerful stereo system among the arrived participants.
This year, the winner will be the participant whose stereo system reaches the highest decibel (Db) rate. During evaluation, a sound power meter will be placed on the car’s front panel. The measurement will be performed with fully closed car’s doors and windows.

The prize, a car audio system speakers Alpine, founded CJSC Rekija.

Car Stereo Competition, Slow Drag and Exhaust Competition will take place on 8 August at 6:00 p.m. It is not necessary to register in advance to participate.

American Spirit sponsors







American Spirit committee




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